Monday, August 13, 2007

Where Do They Get Off?

I have read a lot of these news clips about the controversy behind either sex offender laws or sex offender registry sites. Where do ppl get off saying that they are useless or harmful. Isnt it more harmful to have these ppl out there raping and hurting children and no one knowing about it?
Granted a lot of times these offenders only get a short time in jail, if any time at all. But at least it is something. And if we didnt have these laws and registries then these ppl would be treated as regular ppl. And apparently they arent normal.
What normal person could do that to a child? What normal person could have intercourse with an infant. What normal person could force an 8 year old to perform oral sex on them?

How would these "protesters" feel if this happened to a child of theirs? Or their neice or nephew? How would they feel if a child they knew was raped by a 40 year old man?

Would they then condemn these laws and resources? Would they tell these children that they are not worth recieving some justice and maybe a little recognition for their bravery in coming forward and withstanding the judgement?